Each term our fundraising team provide events and activities to raise money for the Nursery.
Examples of such events are:
- Nativity
- Graduation Event
- Summer Fete
- Memorabilia
At Pembury School House Nursery we have made some adaption to enhance our setting. The following have been actioned recently, this list is by no means exhaustive; we constantly evaluate our provision and value the children’s input when updating our future plans:
- Restructured our sand pit area with new surround supports and a cover
- We have purchased an all-weather Nursery shack to enhance the role play in the outside learning environment
- Redecorated the main classroom with a softer colour palate, promoting a relaxing atmosphere
- Development of the side path, repairing the disabled access to the rear of the building
- Replaced hand rails to the ramps entering the nursery building
- Acquired more vehicles, supporting and aiding children’s physical development in our outside learning environment